Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Invited to Gladstone, NJ, for Festival of Champions

Monkey (aka Escorial) and I have been officially invited to the Festival of Champions for I-1 in Gladstone, NJ.  Aaaack!!!  I wasn't expecting to even come close this year, as I felt my CDI scores just weren't strong enough.  But they held (I think in part because the focus is on the Grand Prix and the Olympic Games, so the competition for the PSG/I-1 wasn't as intense as it can be).  I just eeeked in, initially as an alternate but then I was given the invite.  Exciting, and terrifying as well; the competition is in less than 3 weeks and entries are due on Friday (I received the invite yesterday, Tuesday).  Yikes!!!
Erin Alberta, a para dressage rider from Seattle, has been immensely helpful in sorting out the transportation issue.  It is one thing to get invited to such a prestigious event, and another thing to figure out how to get (you and your horse and your stuff) there!  I still haven't sorted that out yet, but hopefully (or necessarily??) will have that done in the next day or so.
Attending Gladstone has been a big goal of mine for a long time, and it's hard to believe its actually happening.  Initially I was inclined to skip it this year, but opportunities like this don't come around very often.  Like Lana said, "Heather, this is what you've been trying to do for so long!  And you actually did it!!"

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