Monday, March 17, 2014

Relaxing day in So Cal

We decided to get up early this morning and get the boys done before it got too hot. Luckily we had a little front go through today, so although it was a little windy, the temperatures only reached 80 or so. It felt surprisingly cool, after yesterday's high of 95. Just goes to show you how relative temperature is.

Both horses warmed up much better than yesterday, more supple and better through the body. Particularly Victor felt much better! I worked on some of the same exercises Leslie had me do yesterday, with varying levels of success. I tend to be too casual and not address issues quickly enough, as Leslie pointed out when I was cantering around without doing enough tempo changes in the gait. Transitions, transitions, transitions! I also had Lana video me riding just a little, and I could definitely see that I don't do enough changes within the gait.

Victor had a couple of small swellings on his sides up high under the saddle pad. They were pretty small, but he had a similar flare-up of hives a month ago that started very small and then became a bigger problem, so I decided to give him some dex today and likely tomorrow as well. I want to get that nipped in the bud now, before it becomes a big issue. Grrr. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that it improves tomorrow. Last time he had this problem I didn't ride him for a week, but that's low on the list of options right now.

Otherwise we spent the afternoon napping and then hit the grocery store after checking on the boys again in the evening. I made dinner with some frozen chicken burrito filling I had made in Idaho before I left, then made fresh pico de gallo and guacamole to go with it and stuffed it all in a couple corn tortillas with a little cheese. It was great and earned rave reviews from Lana!

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