Saturday, June 2, 2012

Ready for leave for CA...

All packed and ready for the long drive to California tomorrow.  I decided to do it in one fell swoop, 15 hours or so to Chino Hills (W Farms, who have so graciously agreed to house Monk for a couple days until the flight!).  I thought about overnighting somewhere, but decided it would be better to just get there so we could rest for a couple days before the flight.  It's not like I've never driven 15 hours before, it just sucks every time.  We're planning on leaving the barn with horse at 4am, so hopefully arriving in Chino Hills around 8 or so.
I think we've got Lana's (my co-pilot/groom/substitute coach/substitute mom) flight arrangements worked out as well.  It is still up the air as to whether she can go on the charter flight with Monk and I (still???  The flippin' flight leaves in four days!!), so she has made alternative flight arrangements which are cancellable within 3 days (full refund).  We will hear from the agent Monday morning about whether she can go on the charter flight or not.  So either way we can get Lana there...just having to jump through a few hoops to do so.
I ran through my freestyle one last time this AM with Ernie.  Monk has been going fantastic, he's probably happy to be on the reduced stress program (focusing on the PSG/I-1 rather than the GP work).  I ran through the PSG a couple of times earlier this week, as that is always our weakest test.  We like to showcase our one-time changes in that test (although they aren't required!!).  I feel very comfortable with the I-1 and our I-1 freestyle.
One of my clients ran into me this afternoon at Albertson's when I was buying a few last-minute necessities and beer.  I wasn't there just for the beer, but of course that is what she zeroed in on!  She laughed and laughed again..."now you're ready for Gladstone!!!"

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